I’m Sam Raddatz.
A career transition specialist.

I support people through changing careers, leaving jobs that take advantage of them, and/or starting a small business.

Sound like you? Read on!

Who You Are

The people I work with usually fall into one of the following three buckets:

Needs a New Path

You’re unhappy in your current career, and have been for a while but are overwhelmed by the various paths you could take instead. The fear of starting over holds you back and indecision freezes you.

Stuck in a Toxic Job

You feel trapped in a job you despise, draining your time and energy and affecting your relationships and self-worth. You’re looking for an escape from this harmful job, but aren’t sure how to get out.

Frozen Ambition

Despite knowing your goal, you struggle to take initiative and remain complacent in your current situation, even though it falls short of your aspirations. You lack the confidence and/or determination to pursue what you want.

Not sure where you might fall? Let’s talk.

How We’ll Work Together

Across our remote sessions, we will use a selection of the following tools to facilitate your transition. Our time together will be customized, strategic, structured, and efficient to ensure you make tangible progress each week.

Values and Constraints

We'll explore your values, essential next steps (work/life, finance), and align your career choices accordingly.


Through this method, we'll explore your existing network and identify potential allies and mentors.

Expansive Prompts

I will provide thought-provoking prompts to expand your thinking and consider new possibilities.

Diagramming Paths

Together, we'll visually map out various career paths to help you gain clarity.

Narrowing Options

We'll narrow down the expanse of choices by evaluating their alignment with your goals + values.

Plan of Action

You'll select paths, and we'll brainstorm starting points, testing assumptions as we progress.

Accountability & Support

I will provide accountability check-ins, guidance, and assistance throughout the process, drawing on my following areas of knowledge:

→ Insights gained from our collaboration

→ Industry insights related to your field of interest or pivot

→ My personal experience transitioning between different industries and roles

→ The overall work landscape

Each session will equip you with clear next steps to keep you on track. Curious about how this works?